Spring Training Resources
March 18, 2021Passenger Covid Protocol
Unique prizes are destined for the winners of the “Nathan Scavenger Challenge” to be held Saturday, May 8 in Downtown Cambridge. The Scavenger Challenger is free to participants, but donations for the Nathan’s maintenance will be gratefully accepted. Sponsored by the Dorchester Skipjack Committee, the “challenge” for participants is to find numbered Nathan of Dorchester logo magnets at downtown businesses. The event will run from 3 to 6 p.m. Those wishing to enter may register on May 8 starting at 3 pm at the Nathan of Dorchester table in front of the Dorchester Center for the Arts, 321 High St., Cambridge. Once all the numbered logos are found and entered on the registration form, it should be returned to the Nathan table where the winning “scavengers” will be selected by a drawing.
First prize is a half hull model of the skipjack Nathan of Dorchester made by Nathan sail crew member Bud Marseilles. The boat and sails were carved from pine and mounted on a 12 by 15-inch barn board frame. Every model of the Nathan Bud makes has a small piece of wood from the actual Nathan. On this model, the aft trunk cabin was made from a scrap salvaged from a Nathan repair.
The second prize will be two tickets for a sail aboard the Skipjack Nathan, and the third prize is a Hoopers Island oyster tin.
For information about the Scavenger Challenge or public sails and charters, call 410-228-7141 or send an email to info@skipjack-nathan.org. Visit the website at www.skipjack-nathan.org or visit the Facebook page for additional information.